CakePHP follows the MVC software design pattern. Programming using MVC separates your application into three main parts:
A Basic MVC Request
Figure: 1 shows an example of a bare-bones MVC request in CakePHP. To illustrate, assume a client named “Ricardo” just clicked on the “Buy A Custom Cake Now!” link on your application’s home page.
Almost every request to your application will follow this basic pattern. We’ll add some details later on which are specific to CakePHP, so keep this in mind as we proceed.
Why use MVC? Because it is a tried and true software design pattern that turns an application into a maintainable, modular, rapidly developed package. Crafting application tasks into separate models, views, and controllers makes your application very light on its feet. New features are easily added, and new faces on old features are a snap. The modular and separate design also allows developers and designers to work simultaneously, including the ability to rapidly prototype. Separation also allows developers to make changes in one part of the application without affecting others.
If you’ve never built an application this way, it takes some time getting used to, but we’re confident that once you’ve built your first application using CakePHP, you won’t want to do it any other way.